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Mercury Retrograde time again. From April 1 until April 24 and here's what you can do instead of hiding out!

It’s that time again…..from April 1 until April 24 Mercury will be in retrograde.

I’m that friend people usually reach out to and ask, What is wrong with the cosmos, Is mercury in that thing again? Is it in reverse? They usually see it as bad things are about to happen (I try not to stress them out more and I leave out the shadow period talk).

I don’t always hate Mercury in retrograde, sometimes it is welcomed, like this time. I have a basement that needs to be cleaned up from winter flooding and Mercury Retrograde will help me tackle that.

I’m not saying the energy doesn’t affect me.  Sometimes, it is the whole time, sometimes the tail end of it and yes, it sucks, but there are definitely beneficial things that happen.

Hear me out….I’m a Virgo, I love to declutter …anything and everything…even now my pen and pencil stash are calling my name. The projects I tackle are ongoing and plentiful.

In the past, I tackled digitizing my families photo albums, my mom alone had 12 full books and I had plenty of my own books. I didn’t realize how it would help me with my grieving process of loved ones who are gone and even lost relationships and connections.  Besides the benefit of clearing out all the boxes and books, this was also the beginning steps of how I started honoring and working with my ancestors.

The decluttering of my closet is also therapeutic……there is something about ridding myself of the clothes, bags, shoes and accessories that I don’t wear or like, you know the ones where you think you don’t like the way it fits but maybe it will change…like a bad relationship….yeah, it doesn’t change, it still gives you the ick, just get rid of it already.  And so I do.

Even at this moment, I am thinking of 2 pairs of shoes that give me blisters and I can’t wait to put them in a donation bag when I get home and also… they are loafers!  I can’t tell you the last time I wore loafers!

I like to take the time to plan my projects, create the vision and prepare what I will need. Nothing makes my husband cringe more than when he hears “Babe, I have an idea, what do you think about (fill in the blank)” He knows it really means I have something I need his help on, or I have something I need him to do.  No game time for him! But it could be a great time to plan what we will need for this years’ Halloween costume. Gotta win the neighbor’s Halloween costume contest, AGAIN!

Inevitably, Mercury Retrograde is when my daughter will have some kind of electronic thing break and I will have to tell her Mercury is in Retrograde so it will have to wait. That’s when the drama really starts! But I don’t give in, I couldn't care less if she can’t see her friends locations. Eventually, she will resign to the fact that mercury is in retrograde and will count down the days until she can get what she wants.

Sometimes, it is smooth sailing in the beginning and I think maybe it will just pass us by…….nope, no one leaves unscathed in my house, not even the pets.

So my advice… your words, plan your projects, declutter. Recharge, ground, reflect.  And May the Force Be With You.

Terra Luna can you find the products to get you through Mercury Retrograde.  We are located at 525 Philadelphia PIke, Wilmington and offer personal shopping appointments for those customers not able to get into our shop. Hope to see you soon!

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